Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Taking my health more seriously?? Daily Journal #5

During middle school I noticed how the weight just started to accumulate on which was a problem for me since im a teenager and that age is very difficult to be well ''fat''. So now since I am going to be a freshman in high school I am taking my health more seriously by stop eating sweets, chips, and soda which is a big milestone for me!

Eating plans: 

  • If my family decides to eat out I am then going to eat a salad or get a veggie plate that only has well veggies on it!
  • School lunch is disgusting so I normally pack my lunch and I was watching a you-tube video of back to school lunch ideas and this girl had a salad that had spinach, grilled chicken, and blueberries which sounds amazing:)
  • Getting rid of... yup desserts, chips, and sodas! this basically gets rid of lots of junk food and to have control is really hard at my house because both my parents have sweet tooth's!!!
  • Instead of dessert I like to have something creamy to have the effect that it is a dessert when really its not so I like to eat like peanut butter, or creamed rice.
  • Instead of chips I eat like nuts or pickles to get that crunchy effect!
  • and lastly instead of soda I drink smoothies which have lots of nutrients in them! I will make some of my at home smoothie recipes if yall want just leave me a comment in the down bar!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Goodbye sweets??


I'm giving up sweets and I have for about a week now! I got the idea from my brother who hasn't had any sweets for 3 months! that's a long time but to be honest I can already feel a difference In myself it just gives me a lot more confidence I will be blogging on this journey of this long and hard one but I think I can do it!.

Next I will be getting rid of ................. stay tuned to find out!

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Eat Move Sleep book// comment and remarks chapters1-5// daily Journal #4

Chapter 1:
-Be more active and eat healthier .
-remeber 90 minutes of activity is still not enough
-sleep longer!!!

-determine whether each bite of food that you are eating is a net loss or gain meaning is this going to help or hurt you. (ex.water over soda= net gain, fries over veggies= net loss)

-Sitting for over 6 hours a day can kill you? this will make you live shorter than you would if you only sat for less than 6 hours a day try to be more active.

-sleep makes or breaks a day, just 15, 30, or 1 hour of extra sleep will help you be more focused and strong!!

Chapter 3:
-Select 1 food each day with a balanced ratio of protein to carbs never go over 5 carbs to 1 protein!!! this will also shorten your life span.

-put desserts or unhealthy foods at the back of the pantry or fridge so you will not be tempted to eat them. or get them out of the house.

-Identify 1 idea where you can work without standing.

-Sugar is the next nicotine?? in a recent study sugar kills more people than drugs!

-Sugar does the same thing as drugs and leads our brains into thinking that we must need more and this can cause you to become addicted to sugar. this will cause shrinkage in your brain.

-Do not eat packaged foods because they have lots of added sugars in them never eat more than 10g of sugar in a single serving.

-for women the limit of sugar a day is 25g.

-The bad things to look for on a food label in the ingrediants are,,agave  nectar, aspartame, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrates, high fructose corn syrup, honey, maltitol, saccharine,sorbitol,stevia.

-walk around every 2 minutes out of twenty, this will balance out your blood sugar and help your health.

-look at the color of what your eating stick to vibrant colors such as fruits and veggies for an alternate food choice.

-sleep is the reason for the common cold.... yes its true if you get less than 7 hours of sleep than your body is 3x more likely to get the common cold.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Bribe? Daily journal #3

SO today me and my mom went shopping and after we were done and got back to the car she told me that she would take me on a ''shopping spree'' IF i could lose 15 pounds before I go back to school August 25th. So far it has not been going to well except when I go out to eat I am trying to eat healthier and drink lots of water and when I eat chicken I will only eat grilled chicken! also eat more fruit and veggies.

Another one of my old tricks is to go on the cereal diet where I eat cereal for Breakfast, Lunch, and DInner this really cuts out the calories and helps me if I top it with fruit so I am going to try this diet for a week I think but I can't have any desserts, wish me luck i will update my journey.!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Troubles on Control and exercising? Daily diary #2

I am so mad at myself I thought i was doing good for about a week but then of course my dad went to the grocery store and all he got was junk. He has diabetes so he has to have some sugar in the house in case his blood pressure drops so it is very difficult for me to have control!! I got a new journal today so I am hoping to do a kind of diary of fitness thing i have no clue yet! any ideas leave a comment below!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Daily post #1 // Goals

Well today is Saturday and I am just not doing good on my diet, its summer and I am going to high school next year and I have not done much to prepare my body and I am not sure I will be able to live like this for much longer so therefore I am setting goals for my-self!

I want to be able to have control over what I eat meaning I can control myself and not be tempted to eat desserts 24/7 so I want to be able to say NO! to desserts.

#2. Drink more water:
i feel like I am just eating to much and I feel the problem is water! you may say why? but this is because i think i am choosing to eat over really all I need to do is drink water and brush my teeth after every meal this will help me to eat less!

#3. Comfortable:
i want to be comfortable in my bathing suit and look good in it and this is one of my main goals for this summer!

^^^^my personal goals